Do something. Try not including meat in every meal. Maybe you could be VB6. Vegan Before 6:00 is a book by Mark Bittman that promotes the idea that eating "vegan" two-thirds of the time is vastly better for your health than not eating "vegan" at all. Cutting animal products out of breakfast and lunch, and eating sensible portions of animal protein with your dinner is a great step towards improved health, and a start towards doing what's right for the planet and the animals. I would encourage you to work towards being vegan 24/7, but like I said: do something.
Another possibility for a small step in the right direction is to ditch dairy. There are several milk alternatives made from almonds, soy, coconut, etc. that taste great. There are new vegan cheeses being introduced all the time, and most folks would not believe they're not "real" cheese. By giving up dairy you would be opting out of a system that operates like this:
-females are kept pregnant all the time by artificial insemination
-calves are dragged away from their mothers shortly after birth so they don't consume the milk
-female calves are doomed to the same fate as their mothers, not for the 20 or so years they were created to live, but for 4 or 5 years, until they are spent and sold for cheap beef.
-male calves will live a much shorter life, either discarded as useless trash, or stuffed in a veal crate for their entire short lives.
Opting out, saying no to dairy, is a great first step.
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